9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
The Internal Testimony of the Conscience
Romans 2:12-16
Pastor Bret Laird
6:00 p.m.
Four Foolish Ways to Fight Sin
Col 2:20–23
Austin Dosh
Go Groups to Follow
For all who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law; for it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified. For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.
~Romans 2:12-16
Cordon Bleu will be served at the Family Dinner from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m., prior to the evening activities on Wednesday. A gluten free or dairy free option is available upon advanced request. We ask everyone to sign up in advance by noting on a Calvary Connection card, calling the Church Office, or Click here. This is always a great time of fellowship before the evening activities begin.
We are excited to announce our newest staff addition, Tim Stairs, who began this week as our new Facilities Director. Tim and his wife Ashley are Kalamazoo natives and recently relocated to our area. They have five children – Alistair (12), M.J.(10), Isaiah (8), Aubrielle (5), and a brother who is expected later this year. Please join us in welcoming Tim and his family to our family at Calvary!
The Elders have approved the following people for Membership: Terrin Nuismer
The next Membership class will be on Saturday, February 22 in Room 214. The class will be from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with lunch provided. Please bring your Bible. Click Here to sign up or contact Angela Haner in the Church Office.
Completed Nomination Forms for Elders, Deacons, and Treasurer must be returned by Sunday, March 2, and can be dropped off at the Welcome Center, Church Office, or David Scranton’s box in the Mailroom. Please pray that godly men are nominated to serve as leaders in our church. Contact Anna in the Church Office or email Anna Matecun if you have any questions.
IFCA Sunday: For over 80 years Calvary Bible Church has been a member of IFCA International, which is a voluntary fellowship of independent churches, pastors, military chaplains, missions, Bible schools and other ministries. IFCA’s mission “is to glorify God by providing an arena for individuals, independent churches, and organizations to participate interdependently in the common cause of advancing biblically authentic, dynamic, compassionate Christianity to all people groups.” Today, February 16, is “IFCA Sunday,” which is an annual reminder for IFCA members to pray for one another.
Our Calvary Bible Church family generously provided gifts, bears, stocking caps, slippers, and age-related devotionals, plus presented the gospel Christmas message to 49 Angel Tree families representing 132 children. Thank you notes and pictures have been sent to their incarcerated parents. Thank you, Calvary Bible church family. To God be the Glory!
Our Calvary Bible Church family generously provided gifts, bears, stocking caps, slippers, and age-related devotionals, plus presented the gospel Christmas message to 49 Angel Tree families representing 132 children. Thank you notes and pictures have been sent to their incarcerated parents. Thank you, Calvary Bible church family. To God be the Glory!
Ladies, come and bring a friend to the Women’s Disciple Making Ministry Workshop Event on March 1 from 9 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Invite your friends and family! We will have 3 sessions of workshops covering various topics. This event is for ages 14 and up. Please Click here to sign up (class sizes are limited) or see the table in the Fellowship Center for more information. Look for the trifold brochure in the lobby for specific workshops and descriptions.
Save the Date: Churches within the SW region of MI including Calvary Bible Church will be coordinating with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) Foundational Training this fall. The dates are September 19-20, October 17-18 and November 14-15. Click Here to learn more and to register. If you have any questions please contact Pastor David Kaneversky.
Opportunities to Serve
Women’s Morning Bible Studies started. The Children’s Program still needs 2 more adults who are willing and able to help. The need to provide a room for children of homeschool age is growing each year. We want to be able to provide this for the many moms who may benefit from having a safe place for their children so they can attend their Bible study. If you can help in this area, please contact Jenna Yetman.
León de Judá te da la bienvenida!
Estamos agradecidos por que decidiste unirte con nosotros en nuestra reunión de adoración a Dios hoy. Nuestro deseo es compartirte el gozo de conocer y seguir a Jesucristo con todo su pueblo. Únete con nosotros en el salón a las 10:30 a.m. Dios te bendiga!
To find out more about Next Gen. Ministries, visit our webpage here. To be added to our weekly parent emails, contact Hannah Haney. To access all of our forms, registrations, and applications click here.