Women’s Disciple-Making Ministries

Are you Interested in having someone walk with you as you grow and mature in your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? Are there times you think “it would be great to have someone to talk these things through”? Do you want someone to help you in developing a Biblical worldview in your decision making? Calvary’s Disciple-Making Ministry is deigned to do just that. As you walk through life, let someone say, “I’ll Walk With You!” The Lord never intended for us to walk alone. He is ALWAYS with us, and our brothers and sisters desire to be there for us as well. Fill out the application to be discipled and someone from our Women’s Disciple-Making Ministry will get back to you. Blessings!  

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”   ~John 15:5

2025 Winter/Spring Studies

Tuesday Morning STudies
Beginning February 4 - April 29

  • Studies 9:30-11:30 a.m.

  • Registration is open now through January 27, 2025

  • Bible Study Materials will be available for review in the Fellowship Center January 19 & 26

  • Children’s Programming available for children 5 and under

  • Classes will not meet during Spring Break (March 30 - April 4)

A Woman’s Wisdom: How the Book of Proverbs Speaks to Everything

By Lydia Brownback

Proverbs is a book about God and what He desires for our life. This study presents wisdom principles and why they matter in our lives as women. Our words, relationships, finances, emotions and sexuality are all addressed in the Scripture of Proverbs. Unpacking the book, the author speaks to real life issues and the way God designs the world to work.”

“ A Woman’s wisdom “ gives women a way to be wise by knowing the Author of Wisdom itself.

As we study and share with each other, we will see the common thread of knowing God as the way to know ourselves. We will see the “ fear of the Lord as the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction “ Proverbs 1:7

Cost is $12.00

Behold Your God; Rethinking God Biblically

By John Snyder

“Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically” is a 12-week Bible study program that encourages a deep examination of God’s character as revealed in the Bible, focusing on understanding God’s attributes and how they should impact every aspect of our lives, prompting us to adopt a perception of God based solely on scripture; led by Dr. John Snyder, it includes video lectures, a companion
workbook, and historical profiles of significant Christian figures. We wanted to offer this study again because of how impactful it has been in so many women’s lives.

Cost is $20.00

Twelve Extraordinary Women

By John Macarthur

This study reminds us that God is faithful in all generations. He works in the lives of ordinary women like us. We will meet the Samaritan woman of John 4, Rahab the common harlot, even Mary the mother of Christ; in herself of no particular distinction. We will learn that these women and others ultimately became extraordinary not because of natural qualities but because of the one true God whom they worshipped. 

Cost is $10.00

Wednesday Nite Lite Study
Beginning January 8, 2025

Studies 6:40-7:50 p.m.
Children’s Programming available for children 5th grade and under

1, 2, 3 John and Jude: Established in Truth ... Marked by Love

by John MacArthur

Cost: $7.00
*Drop in Class, no pre-registration needed

Thursday Morning STudies
Beginning February 6 - May 1

Making Sense of Salvation

by Wayne Grudem

This study from Wayne Grudem’s exceptional work, “Systematic
Theology”, will leave us energized in our understanding of the power of
the gospel. We will learn to appropriate God’s promises via the means of
grace AND share God’s truths more passionately with those we love.

We will delve into the Scriptures to discover common grace, election,
regeneration, justification, sanctification, baptism and filling with the Holy
Spirit, and glorification; our hearts will soar and our minds will be
delighted by what God has done, what God is doing, and what God will
do both in our own lives and in the lives of those we love as we pursue

This class is appropriate for new believers and for women who are
mature in Christ.

Cost is $12.00

Women’s Disciple-Making Ministry News Letter

December 2024
January/February 2025

Activity Cancellations

In the event of activities being cancelled, please check the church website first. A church-wide email will be sent and an announcements will be made on WWMT.

Stay in Touch

Don’t forget to check our Facebook Page to see what’s new, or contact us by clicking the link below.