
2025 Winter/Spring Studies Brochure

GrowthGroups meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:40-7:50 p.m. January through May. New studies will take place in the fall from September through December. These groups focus on Bible study and application of the Scriptures to daily life. Topics range from in-depth studies in a book of the Bible to contemporary issues. Each group devotes time to prayer and fellowship.

 Directions to each GrowthGroup can be obtained at the Welcome Center in the lobby or visit the Open Door Ministry in the Fellowship Center. Studies run through May 7, 2025.

Family Dinner (served 5:30 - 6:10) in the Fellowship Center

Start your Wednesday evening off with our family dinner, which is open to all. Suggested donation is $3.00 per child between the ages of two and ten, $4.00 per person over the age of ten and a maximum of $12.00 per family. Sign up on a Calvary Connection card, click here or call the Church Office by Monday at noon if you are planning to come to the dinner.

Groups and Studies for Everyone (6:40 - 7:50)

Core 4: Serving Christ in my Stewardship
There are three tracks of four classes each in the “Core 4” program. This fall we began the “Core 4 Christian Living” Track. The second course is entitled “Serving Christ in my Stewardship” and focuses on Biblical principles of stewardship of our finances, health, gifts, and time.

Bible Study Greek 2 (class is FULL)

(Prerequisite: BSG1)
This course builds on the foundational introduction to the language of the NT that was laid in BSG1. To develop greater precision in analyzing the Bible, students will apply previous learning by studying John 17, 2nd John, and other select portions of Scripture. Emphasis is placed on identification and categorization of various grammatical features and on developing accurate and teachable outlines. Note: This course has significant academic expectations (Equivalent to ~1.5 credits) and is taught at a college level. Contact Austin Dosh for more information. Click here to view the syllabus
Note: The Spring 2025 class is FULL. Please click here to indicate interest in participating in a future offering of this course.

León de Judá (6:40 - 7:50)

Location: 126 (Modular)
This is a Hispanic ministry whose purpose is to proclaim the Gospel to the Hispanic community. We are currently going through the book of Psalms with a focus on personally knowing God through His attributes. If you would like to join us, please contact Santiago Martinez.
Isaiah 61:1-3

Este es un ministerio hispano cuyo propósito es proclamar el Evangelio a la comunidad hispana. Actualmente estamos estudiando el libro de los Salmos con un enfoque en conocer personalmente a Dios a través de Sus atributos. Si desea unirse a nosotros, comuníquese con Santiago Martínez.
Isaiah 61:1-3


Men’s Study Group (6:40 - 7:50)

The Book of Psalms
Location: 122B Reception Room
A “drop-in” Men’s Bible study will study the book of Psalms. Each week we spend time at the beginning of class sharing praises and prayer requests. We then read the chapter/passage together and have a time of guided discussion. All men are welcome!

Women’s Study Group (6:40 - 7:50)

Wednesday Nite Lite - (1, 2, 3, John and Jude)

Location: Room 214
Wednesday night lite will study 1, 2, 3, John and Jude by John MacArthur. This study delves into the new testament epistles written by the apostles, John and Jude, focusing on the central theme of upholding truth against false teachings, emphasizing the importance of love and Christian character with examining the dangers of spiritual warfare faced by early believers.

Activity Cancellations

In the event of activities being cancelled, please check the church website first. A church-wide email will be sent and an announcements will be made on WWMT.