Koinenia Activities

This group of men, women and couples meets once per month for activities both on and off campus. For off-campus activities we meet at church and use the vans for group transportation. Sign ups are required for each event. Van space is limited. Scroll down to see the full list of activities at at a glance for 2024-2025. Click the blue button to sign up.

Helping Hands Ministry Tour & Lunch at Salvino’s

March 20, 2024

Meet at Calvary between 8:45-9:00 a.m.

Activities Include:

  • Ministry Orientation and Tour

  • Lunch at Salvino’s, everyone pays their own check

We only have 28 bus seats available. If you are willing to drive please register for the driving option

Meet at Calvary between 8:45-9:00 a.m.

Activities Include:

  • Tour the Meijer Garden’s Butterfly Exhibit

  • Lunch in Grand Rapids

We only have 28 bus seats available. If you are willing to drive please register for the driving option

Meijer Garden’s & Lunch

April 17, 2025

2024-2025 Activities at a Glance

January  16 - Potluck, Guest Speaker & Fellowship
February 13 - Valentines Lunch & Concert at church
March 20 - Helping Hands Ministry Tour & Lunch at Salvino’s
April 17 - Meijer Garden’s & Lunch
May 15 - Tulip Time Festival & Lunch
June 19 - Lavendar Fields in Caledonia & Lunch
July 17 - ‘Krider World’s Fair Gardens’ & Essenhaus
August 21 - Studebaker Museum  Bend & Lunch
September - Park Village Pines Service Project
October 17 - Fall Color Tour & Lunch
November 14 - Hymn Sing & Lunch at Church
December  - No Activity