9:00, 10:45 a.m. & 4:00 p.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
The Temptation of Jesus
Matthew 4:1-11
Pastor Justin McCoy
Schedule over Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays:
Every year, LifeGroups, AWANA, and other ministries take seasonal breaks to enable volunteers and participants to enjoy fellowship with family and friends during the holidays. This year, in an effort to limit possible virus exposure from the church to families and from families to the church, we are expanding our traditional holidays breaks.
Thanksgiving Break: There will be no LifeGroups, Children’s programs, Nursery or youth activities on:
Today, November 29
These ministries will resume on Sunday, December 6.
There will also be no Wednesday night AWANA, Prayer Meeting, or GrowthGroups on:
Wednesday, December 2
Wednesday ministries will resume on December 9.
Christmas Break: There will be no LifeGroups, Children’s programs, Nursery or youth activities on:
Sunday, December 20
Sunday, December 27
Sunday, January 3
These ministries will resume on Sunday, January 10.
There will also be no Wednesday night AWANA, Prayer Meeting or GrowthGroups on:
Wednesday, December 23
Wednesday, December 30
Wednesday ministries will resume on January 6.
During these weeks around the holidays, men’s and women’s bible studies and other church related activities will also be cancelled. If anyone has questions related to their activity, please contact the church office.
**Normal schedule for all 3 main Sunday worship services remain unchanged
We have the opportunity to Encourage the Saints with a church wide Christmas Caroling ministry on the evenings of December 18-23. We need teams of people to come together with a willingness to share their Christmas joy in a time when some have experienced the inability to join the body in-person. The church will provide a song list and books along with a few individual residences to visit on the evening(s) of the teams choosing. We will be taking appropriate precautions for travel, spacing and face coverings as we serve. To become part of a Caroling Team click here or to request a visit to your home, click here.
Global Partner Christmas Gift Today is the last day to give bless our Global Partners with a Financial Christmas gift. These gifts are not tax deductible. Please mark a separate envelope with the gift title under ‘Other’ and put it in the offering box. Alternatively, you can give online through the church website or using the church REALM database. Select ‘Other Projects’ and insert the gift title into the memo box that appears.
In preparation for the upcoming tax season, we wanted to inform you that tax statements for 2019 will be sent via e-mail . If you believe we do not have your most current e-mail address or you would prefer a hard copy of your tax statement, please contact Angela Haner in the Church Office at 372-1130.
Offering Envelopes will be available in the Fellowship Center on December 6, 13 & 20 . Please arrange to pick them up.
Tim Johnson, one of our most tenured, senior staff informed the Pastors that he plans to retire in the next few months. We will be honoring Tim in the months ahead, but we are initiating a search for his replacement, both internally and externally. Please feel free to contact the church office for more information. Resumes may be submitted here.
Our Daily Bread and Today in the Word are now available in the oak racks.
“Glory in the Highest,” a Calvary Christmas Concert
Calvary’s Worship Ministries will be presenting “Glory in the Highest,” a Calvary Christmas Concert on:
Friday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 12 at 4:00 p.m. (High Precaution: Masks required throughout)
Saturday, December 12 at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 13 at 5:00 p.m.
In order to maintain socially distanced seating at the concerts, all attendees will be asked to reserve a seat by obtaining a ticket (at no cost). The ticketing system will also allow for seating family groups together. Tickets are available by clicking here or by calling the church office during regular business hours. Posters and invitations are also available for distribution. Digital PDF invitations can be found here. All concerts will be live-streamed. Please be praying about whom you can invite!
To serve parents with children too small to appreciate the concerts we need at least, 6 adult workers to serve in the Nursery during each Christmas Concert. If you are able to serve please contact Hannah Haney.
We are need of volunteers to serve as ushers at each of the upcoming Christmas Concerts. Since the concerts are ticketed events this year, ushers are needed to help people located their reserved seats. If you are interested, please email Mark Duncan or call the church office.
Year End Giving Projects
The Elders have approved 3 year-end giving projects applicable to our local body as we transition into 2021:
In response to Christ’s command to disciple the nations, Calvary partners with 37 partners and singles ministering around the world and 6 local and foreign organizations. One year-end giving project is to fund the budget shortfall of approximately $40,000 for Global Ministry.
With restrictions caused by the pandemic, no coin offering has been taken since April. These funds are used for Next Generation Projects, including Bibles, Books, Scholarship, etc. The target is $10,000; any funds received in excess of this target will be allocated to Global Ministries.
In anticipation of resuming our search for a Pastor of Outreach Teams, the Elders created a “Local Outreach Start-up Fund” to jump-start the ministry, with a target of $50,000.
To give to these projects, simply write, “Year-End Giving Project-Global Ministries,” “Year-End Giving Project-Coin Offering,” or Year-End Giving Project-Local Outreach” on your giving envelope or on the memo line under the “Other” category for online giving.
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone for the prayers, cards and meals that you surrounded us with during Allen’s hospice time at home and funeral week. We are also so appreciative of the contribution to the Kalamazoo Gospel mission in his name. We are so blessed to be a part of the body of Christ here at Calvary!
- Dianna Bellware and the Trumbull family
Thank you to Calvary Bible Church for the donation in memory of my step mom Jenny Kroeze.
- Donna Steinke
Prayer Request
For the family of Ron Rus, father of Jeff Rus, who departed from this life November 19
Faith at Home Ministries
Date Change!! The Faith at Home Wednesday evening Growth Group will resume on December 9 with the topic being Grandparenting. Whether we are desiring to be impactful grandparents or want to know how we can utilize the impact of grandparents in our children, we would love for you to join us for this discussion.
Global Partners
Our Global Ministries Team are regularly communicating with our Partners as often as possible. Currently they are all in good health and either at home or in a safe location. If you would like an electronic copy of the weekly Global Partner Prayer Sheet, please contact the church office.