Today At Calvary

9:00, 10:45 a.m. & 4:00 p.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
Do We See the Messiah More Clearly?
Philippians 2:5-8
Pastor Jeff Whitaker


The church office will be closed Monday, December 28 and reopen Tuesday, December 29 at 8 a.m. in observance of Christmas.

Schedule over the Christmas Holiday:
Every year, LifeGroups, AWANA, and other ministries take seasonal breaks to enable volunteers and participants to enjoy fellowship with family and friends during the holidays. This year, in an effort to limit possible virus exposure from the church to families and from families to the church, we are expanding our traditional holiday break.

Christmas Break: There will be no LifeGroups, Children’s programs, Nursery or youth activities on:

  • Today, December 27

  • Sunday, January 3

  • These ministries will resume on Sunday, January 10.

There will also be no Wednesday night AWANA, Prayer Meeting or GrowthGroups on:

  • Wednesday, December 30

  • Wednesday ministries will resume on January 6.

During these weeks around the holidays, men’s and women’s bible studies and other church related activities will also be cancelled. If anyone has questions related to their activity, please contact the church office.
**The schedule for all 3 main Sunday worship services remains unchanged


ASL interpreting will not be available for the Christmas Eve Candlelight service or for Sunday, December 27. Starting Sunday, January 3, ASL interpreting will only be available upon request with at least one week notice. Please email to make a request.

NextSteps LifeGroup coming for those post-college through age 35! Launch date is January 10, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 300! Please contact the church office for more information and NextSteps contacts.

To take advantage of year end charitable deductions for donations made online or in the mail, contributions must be made electronically or postmarked by December 31. Checks hand-delivered to the church in January, even if they are dated in December, will be a 2021 charitable contribution.

Offering Envelopes are still available in the Fellowship Center! Please arrange to pick them up.

Have you had a loved one pass away? Please consider joining us for GriefShare as you navigate the journey of grief. We will begin on Monday January 4 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. We meet in the reception rooms, wear masks and social distance. The class runs for 14 weeks and the cost is $20. Please contact Donna Steinke to register or for questions.

The Elders have initiated a search for a Director of Adult Ministries to replace Tim Johnson on the church staff. Please feel free to contact the office for more information. Resumes may be submitted here.

Year End Giving Projects

This is the last week for our year-end giving projects:

  • In response to Christ’s command to disciple the nations, Calvary partners with 37 partners and singles ministering around the world and 6 local and foreign organizations. One year-end giving project is to fund the budget shortfall of approximately $40,000 for Global Ministry. Any funds received for the Coin Offering will be allocated to Global Ministries.

  • In anticipation of resuming our search for a Pastor of Outreach Teams, the Elders created a “Local Outreach Start-up Fund” to jump-start the ministry, with a target of $50,000.

To give to these projects, simply write, “Year-End Giving Project-Global Ministries” or Year-End Giving Project-Local Outreach” on your giving envelope or on the memo line under the “Other” category for online giving.

Prayer Requests

For the family of Dave Scheffers, husband of Carol Scheffers and father of Tammy Reas, who departed from this life December 20

For the family of Ed Wobma, father of Jade Schober, who departed from this life December 20

Thank You!

Dear Calvary,
We thank you so very much for the prayers, calls and cards we received when Daddy died. We were so encouraged by your kind words and thoughtfulness. Thank you also for the donation, in his name, to the Gospel Mission. We are humbled to be a part of such a giving church.
With Love and Gratitude,
Jim and Deb Foley
Lamentations 3:22-24


Faith at Home Ministries

The Faith at Home Wednesday evening Growth Group will resume on January 13 with the topic being Grandparenting. Whether we are desiring to be impactful grandparents or want to know how we can utilize the impact of grandparents in our children, we would love for you to join us for this discussion.

Global Ministries

Our Global Ministries Team are regularly communicating with our Partners as often as possible. Currently they are all in good health and either at home or in a safe location. If you would like an electronic copy of the weekly Global Partner Prayer Sheet, please contact the church office.

Next Generation Ministries

As we enter our Christmas break, our hope and prayer is that you are able to spend quality time with your friends and family over the next few weeks. Though we will miss fellowshipping with you each week, we look forward to hearing about God’s work in your life when we come back! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!