Today At Calvary

9:00 a.m.
Good Questions, Bad Questions
John 7:25-53
Pastor Bret Laird

10:30 a.m.
Virtual LifeGroup
Psalm 23
Santiago Martinez


Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Despite out current unprecedented circumstances, the combined offerings for the first two weeks of April exceeded all expectations, with Palm Sunday the largest weekly offering since early January. We want to commend you for your faithful and sacrificial support of the ministries of Calvary Bible Church. Now approximately one-half of our giving is coming in online, either through the church website, through the connection with Realm or by Texting CalvaryBible to 732-56. As a reminder, it saves the church 2.5% in processing fees if you use your Bank Account Information rather than a debit card. Ryan and the Praise Team will continue to lead us in offertory worship; we encourage you to make your offering during that team. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to Calvary Bible Church.

Nik Ripken, this year’s Global Impact Weekend speaker, has provided Calvary free access to the film, The Insanity of God. The film tells the story of the Ripken’s own faith journey and the stories of many of our brothers and sisters in the persecuted church. It is a film of hope in hard places. For more information read Pastor Jeff’s letter here. To access the movie, click here.

Pastor Bret has talked about how we as a church family can “help make the government’s strategy successful by making it sustainable.” We want to help you get through this! As part of those efforts, we are creating a new blog on our website that will focus on the following daily subjects:

  • Medical Mondays: Our Medical Advisory Team will recommend reputable official sources for finding answers to commonly asked medical questions

  • Teaching Tuesdays: Practical teaching tips for moms and dads provided by experienced educators in our church

  • Workout Wednesdays: Encouragement and practical suggestions for staying fit and active during these mandated “stay-at-home: days

  • Thriving Thursdays: Brief Biblical counseling topics to help you overcome the trials and temptations we’re all experiencing

  • Fun Fridays: Ideas for at-home activities to lighten and encourage our hearts

  • Sports Saturdays: Suggestions for at-home athletic competitions for families and singles

  • Sacred Sundays: Making Sunday truly the Lord’s Day!

The first post will go live on Monday, April 20, so go check it out!

If you are new to Calvary or have prayer requests, please fill out a Calvary Connection Card here.

Join us for a Church-wide Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

Service Opportunities

We are launching a Mask Ministry whose purpose is to connect those in our congregation who are making masks with those who are in need of masks. We’ve created a form that will allow us to make this connection. Please use this form to:

  • Communicate your willingness to provide masks and the number of masks available

  • Communicate your need for masks and the number needed

  • Let us know you’re willing to pick up and deliver masks (contact-free, of course)

If you’d like to participate, please click here.

Prayer Requests

Gerry Longjohn (husband of Marjorie Longjohn) departed from this life on April 8, 2020.
Gerry was an Elder at Calvary before he and Marjorie moved to a retirement facility for Missionaries in Tulsa, OK. A memorial service for Gerry will be scheduled at Calvary Bible Church when gathering family and friends becomes possible again.

Rick Dosh (father of Austin Dosh) departed from this life on April 10, 2020.
A memorial service to honor Rick’s life will be held on Saturday, April 25 at 2:00 p.m. The online service will be arranged through South Side Bible Church in Battle Creek. Pastor Michael Brown will give a message. has details to join the service online.

Elain Ludwig departed from this life on April 11, 2020.
Elaine was a long time Member of Calvary Bible Church.

Global Partners

Our Global Ministries Team are regularly communicating with our Partners as often as possible. Currently they are all in good health and either at home or in a safe location. If you would like an electronic copy of the weekly Global Partner Prayer Sheet, please contact the church office.

Next Generation Ministries

Vacation Bible School is July 13-17 from 9a.m. - 12p.m.! To volunteer click here and fill out the volunteer registration form. Student Registration will open May 1! If you have questions or need more information, email Hannah Haney.