Today At Calvary

9:00 a.m.
Fake Faith vs. Saving Faith, Part 2
John 8:43-59
Pastor Bret Laird

10:30 a.m.
Virtual LifeGroup
Kingdom Culture
Colossians 1:9-23
Nathan Clifton


Happy Mother’s Day!

On April 30, the Bread of Life Ministry was able to pass out a total of 275 boxes which is approximately 8,250 pounds of food. Many boxes were given or delivered to people of the congregation or to those who are a part of a ministry of Calvary. The remaining boxes were handed out to the local community along with a tract and information about Calvary services. Please pray that seeds will be planted through this ministry and that God would open the hearts of those receiving the boxes.

Service Opportunities

Our Mask Ministry is available to connect those making masks with those needing masks. We have plenty of masks available, so please don’t hesitate to ask! We’ve created a form that will allow us to make this connection. Please use this form to: 

  • Communicate your willingness to provide masks and the number of masks available

  • Communicate your need for masks and the number needed

  • Let us know you’re willing to pick up and deliver masks (contact-free, of course)

If you’d like to participate, please click here. All masks will be picked up and delivered by volunteers from the church. Note that masks are not available to pick up at the church office at this time. 

Prayer Requests

Jeanette Rupp (mother of Craig Rupp) departed from this life on April 30.

Jim Ellinger departed from this life on May 6.

Global Partners

Our Global Ministries Team are regularly communicating with our Partners as often as possible. Currently they are all in good health and either at home or in a safe location. If you would like an electronic copy of the weekly Global Partner Prayer Sheet, please contact the church office.

Next Generation Ministries

AWANA Wednesday, May 13, we will be Live-Streaming our AWANA Awards Ceremony, starting at 6:30p.m. This will take the place of our normal prayer time that week. You can tune in just like you would a Sunday Morning service. All are welcome to join in as we celebrate what our clubbers have accomplished over this last year! Care-Share-Prayer Teams are still encouraged to meet after the ceremony is done. 

Senior Recognition Sunday is May 17 and we would like to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2020 Grads. If you know of a student who will be graduating and would like to be included, please email Tara Schober here.

Vacation Bible School is July 13-17 from 9a.m. - 12p.m.! To volunteer, fill out a volunteer registration form here. Student Registration is now open! If you have questions or need more information, email Hannah Haney.