9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
The Raising of Lazarus: a Sign, a Statement, and a Witness
John 11:1-46
Pastor Bret Laird
Sunday Evening Services begin July 12:
On Sunday, July 12 we will begin holding an evening service at 6:00 p.m. using enhanced safety precautions including wearing a mask throughout the entire service. Level 2 surgical masks will be available which provide protection for the person wearing it as well as for others. The service will be approximately one-hour in length and will be virtually identical to those in the morning with a condensed version of the message. Please contact the church office with any questions.
Calvary Prayer Line: If you want or need someone to pray with, we are here for you. If you are anxious about what’s happening in our world and don’t know where to go, we are here for you. If you have questions about what the Bible has to say, we are here for you. Calvary Bible Church has a group of followers of Christ who would be happy to talk with you. We love the Lord and seek to be an encouragement to others. While we may not be able to answer all your questions, we will search the Bible with you to see what the Lord has to say.
You can reach us by phone at (269) 359-3702
Monday – Friday from 3-5 p.m. or 7-9 p.m.
Global Partners
Our Global Ministries Team are regularly communicating with our Partners as often as possible. Currently they are all in good health and either at home or in a safe location. If you would like an electronic copy of the weekly Global Partner Prayer Sheet, please contact the church office.
Next Generation Ministries
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner! July 13 – 17 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. we will be traveling to Mystery Island to track down the One True God! We will learn the truth about our creator God and how amazing He is through the pages of scripture! There will be games, music, food, prizes and so much more! This will be a week you do not want to miss! Click here to register your kids and to sign up to volunteer!
Adopt-a-Grad This program is for individuals, families, or LifeGroups who are interested in committing to pray for and encourage one of our 2020 High School grads for their first year after High School. If you are interested in adopting one of our grads, please fill out the following form here or email Tara Schober.