9:00, 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
The Christian’s Compass for COVID Controversies, part 3:
The Purpose and Limits of Government
Selected Passages
Pastor Bret Laird
The Church Office will be closed Monday, September 7 and will reopen at 8 a.m. Tuesday morning.
Sunday Morning LifeGroups: Our adult LG's will be starting up again next Sunday, September 13. While the 9:00 a.m. classes will meet at their normal time, please note that our second hour classes will begin at 10:45 a.m. To provide optimal spacing for each class, there have been some room changes made, click here for more details, or pick up a new LG brochure next Sunday.
Wednesday Evening GrowthGroups: Our adult GrowthGroups will be starting up again on Wednesday, September 16. We are excited to begin each evening gathered in the Chapel for a time of corporate prayer. These are challenging times we live in and it is critical we move forward in ministry through the power of prayer. Following the prayer time in the Chapel, groups will be dismissed to their classrooms. Class choices will be available here with brochures at the Information Center next Sunday.
Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study: Beginning on Thursday, September 24, there will be a Women's Bible study offered at CBC from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. The study will focus on the Beatitudes and will be based on Jerry Bridges book "The Blessing of Humility.” The study will also provide instruction on how to study the Bible, with Karen Rowland as the leader. To sign up online click here.
Save the Date! Global Impact Weekend will be November 7-8, 2020. Our guest speaker is Nik Ripken from the movie “The Insanity of God.”
Today in the Word in now available on the oak tables.
Capacity Solutions
Showing Preference for One Another
We are anticipating significant capacity issues in the Sanctuary and in classrooms when LifeGroups, Nursery and Children’s programs resume on September 13. This is a wonderful “problem” to have! The Elder’s have approved the following 4 step program allowing us to welcome all who come.
Whenever possible: CDC (Center for Disease Control) - recommended 6’ vertical and 6’ lateral seating arrangement.
Capacity Expansion step #1: CDC - recommended 6’ vertical and WHO - recommended 1 meter lateral seating arrangement.
Capacity Expansion step #2: WHO (World Health Organization) - recommended 1 meter vertical and 1 meter lateral seating arrangement.
Capacity Expansion #3: As per our fourth safety protocol, when space
constraints make social distancing no longer possible, self-protective (KN-95)
and/or ASTM level-2 surgical masks will be recommended and supplied.
Beginning September 13, in the AM services only, seating capacity expansion step #1 will be applied to the side sections and balcony of the Sanctuary. The center sections will continue to use the 6’ spacing rods. We will continue to use every other pew.
Our 6 p.m. service will remain High-Precaution, where we will continue to observe the 6’ physical distancing with masks worn at all times and an abbreviated service.
We continue to recommend adherence to the 4 standard safety precautions: Symptom screening (please don’t attend church functions if you are exhibiting symptoms or not feeling well), Hygiene, Physical Distancing and Masks.
For more in-depth details, click here.
Service Opportunities
Church on the Porch brings church to those who cannot attend services on Sunday. Right now, elements on this ministry include a mini communion service at your house, phone calls to those who can’t be at church, or letters of encouragement to those who can’t be at church. If you would like to receive one of these ministries, please call the church office. If you would like to participate in serving others in one of these ministries, we also ask that you call the church office.
Thank You!
Dear friends at Calvary Bible Church,
During this difficult last few weeks as Jim Rowland went to be with the Lord you have made our family feel very loved and cared for by your loving attention expressed in so many ways (meals, cards, prayers, calls, wise counsel, and more.) Thank you also for your donations to the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission.
Our grateful thanks!
Sue, Terry & Karen Rowland
Prayer Requests
For the family of Ila Mae Hartwing, mother of Scott and Tim Hariwg, who departed from this life September 1.
For the family of Loretta Warner, mother of Ron Warner, who departed from this life August 30.
Global Partners
Our Global Ministries Team are regularly communicating with our Partners as often as possible. Currently they are all in good health and either at home or in a safe location. If you would like an electronic copy of the weekly Global Partner Prayer Sheet, please contact the church office.
Next Generation Ministries
Key Upcoming Dates:
Today: MS/HS Parent Meeting at 9:30 a.m. in theBLOC
September 13: Move Up Sunday!
9:00 a.m. service will have classes for ages Nursery - Pre-K
10:45 a.m. service will have classes for all ages (Nursery - HS)
September 16: First night of AWANA! Registration is now open, click here to register your kids!
September 20: LIVE44 Kick-off, childcare will also begin being provided during the evening service
Children’s Ministry needs YOU! Move up Sunday is next Sunday and we are so excited to see your kids and get them back into our classrooms, but we still have a lot of holes to fill for that to happen. If you are able to serve or if you have questions on the precautions that we are taking, please contact Hannah Haney.