Today At Calvary

9:00, 10:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
The Christian’s Compass for COVID Controversies, part 5:
How to View Disputable Matters
Romans 13:8-14:23
Pastor Bret Laird


We are reminded each week that giving is a part of our worship to the Lord. In 2 Corinthians 8, we read that the churches in Macedonia gave to the work of the Lord beyond their ability. We continue to see the same sacrificial giving at Calvary this year. Despite the difficult circumstances caused by COVID-19, total fiscal year-to-date giving approximates last year’s levels at this time. However, the giving to the Global Ministries (Missions) fund has fallen short of our commitments to our Global Partners and we have used cash reserves to fund these expenses. Just a reminder that you can designate a portion of your giving to the various funds (General, Missions, Building and Benevolence) as well as to other Projects when you give, both on-line as well as in your envelope. Thank you for your continued commitment to financially supporting the ministries at Calvary.  

The Library is now open on Sunday Mornings from 10:15 - 10:45 a.m., there is a limit of 10 people, masks are required for returns.

The Care Closet is now open by appointment only, contact the church office to schedule at 372-1130.

Sunday Morning LifeGroups: We want to encourage everyone to get connected with a Lifegroup. Whatever your life stage, there’s a group here full of people who share your circumstances and goals. Single and career-oriented, to wrestling with pre-schoolers, to empty nesters and retirees, we have groups that know what you’re dealing with and they’ve found encouragement for life and spiritual nourishment by studying the Word together. Pick up a brochure or click here for details.

Wednesday Evening GrowthGroups:  We hope you will join us each Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. as we gather in the Chapel for a time of corporate prayer. Following the prayer time in the Chapel, groups will be dismissed to their classrooms, which end at 8 p.m. Brochures with class choices are available at the Information Center or click here for more details. 

Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study: Beginning on Thursday, September 24, there will be a Women's Bible study offered at CBC from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Center. The study will focus on the Beatitudes and will be based on Jerry Bridges book "The Blessing of Humility.” It will also provide instruction on how to study the Bible. You can sign up online at here.

Men's Tuesday Morning Bible Study: meets weekly at 6:30 a.m. in Reception Room B. There is also an active Zoom component available for those who would like to participate virtually. If you are interested or if you need further information, please contact Mike Ruiter. We are currently going through Acts. All are welcome!  

A Conversation with the Quarterbacks- a Fellowship of Christian Athletes event. Join us Tuesday, September 22 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary as we enjoy a conversation with 3 of WMU’s recent record setting quarterbacks. Tim Hiller, Zach Terrell and Jon Wassink, along with team Chaplain Craig Darling will be sharing about their time at WMU, faith, football and family. All 3 were tremendous leaders on their teams and a vital part of our FCA leadership on campus.

Save the Date! Global Impact Weekend will be November 7-8, 2020. Our guest speaker is Nik Ripken from the movie “The Insanity of God.”

The Elders have approved Laura Bailey for membership.

Today in the Word is now available on the oak tables.

Capacity Solutions

Showing Preference for One Another
Last week, total attendance for the three worship services exceeded 900, far and away the highest level since the pandemic began. The 9:00 morning service exceeded our seating capacity in the Sanctuary. This is a wonderful problem to have!

Today, in the AM services only, we expanded the use of the one-meter lateral seating arrangement to include the entire Sanctuary.

Beginning next Sunday morning, September 27, we will apply Capacity Expansion Step #2 approved by the Elders (one-meter vertical and on-meter lateral recommended seating) to three (3) sections of the Sanctuary. Seating will be available in every row in the far-left front section, the far-right front section, and the Balcony. In these 3 sections, self-protective ASTM level 2 masks will be available in the pew racks (in brown bags). We will continue to use every other row (7’ vertical spacing) for the remainder of the Sanctuary and the one-meter rods for lateral distance throughout.

We encourage anyone who has reservations regarding the changes in seating for the morning services to attend the “High Precaution” worship service at 6:00 Sunday evening. By mutual agreement, everyone at this service agrees to have their temperature taken, wear their mask throughout the entire service, and maintain at least 6’ of distance.

We look forward to more and more of our local church body returning to in-person worship as the fall programs continue.

Service Opportunities

We have someone in our congregation who Is in need of a kidney transplant. If you are interested or are a potential donor, please contact the church office. 

Church on the Porch brings church to those who cannot attend services on Sunday. Right now, elements on this ministry include a mini communion service at your house, phone calls to those who can’t be at church, or letters of encouragement to those who can’t be at church. If you would like to receive one of these ministries, please call the church office.  If you would like to participate in serving others in one of these ministries, we also ask that you call the church office.

Prayer Requests

For the family of Ruth Batts, wife of Otto Batts and mother of Les Batts, who departed from this life September 12 

For the family of Don Damm, husband of Lois Damm, who departed from this life September 13 

For the Family of John Kneeland, husband of Nancy Kneeland, who departed from this life September 14 


Austin Trumbull and Emaline Sanger were married August 21! 

Global Partners

Our Global Ministries Team are regularly communicating with our Partners as often as possible. Currently they are all in good health and either at home or in a safe location. If you would like an electronic copy of the weekly Global Partner Prayer Sheet, please contact the church office.

Next Generation Ministries

Live 44, our small group ministry for Middle and High school students begins today, in theBLOC. The program begins at 6:00 p.m. but students can come as early as 5:30pm.