Today At Calvary

9:00, 10:45 a.m. & 4:00 p.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
Be A Courageous Ambassador
John 15:17-16:4
Pastor Bret Laird


After salvation, baptism is an important next step for the believer in Christ. By obeying Christ’s command, you are publicly declaring your identity with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. Our next baptism service will be Sunday morning, March 21. Please contact Ana Ruggles in the church office if you are interested. There are two required meetings prior to Baptism Sunday so please sign up by Tuesday, February 9.

Women's Thursday Morning Bible Study will begin January 21 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Center and will run through April 1. We will be going through the book "Choosing Forgiveness," by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. There are no secret formulas for forgiveness, but there are biblical principles that will help us break free from bitterness and pain. Discover specific strategies for putting God's grace and mercy into practice as we study God's Word, pray for one another, and grow in obedience and love. Click here to sign up or call the church office. Today is the last day to register!

Operation Christmas Child Update: We are able to track a few of the boxes that went out from Calvary Bible Church, one of our boxes is blessing a child in Burumdi in South Africa. It is a nation known for political instability and violence. Please continue to pray for the children that will receive the boxes that were sent. Ask God to soften the hearts of these children to the Gospel of Jesus Christ resulting in their salvation and life long commitment to Christ. Pray also for transformed lived in their families and communities. Over 9 million shoeboxes will be delivered with the Gospel message around the world this year.

The Elders have approved the following people for membership: Cindy Flowers, Skyler and Shelby Herendeen, Andrew and Jenica Schipper, and Evelyn Sportel.

Thank You!

Our family would like to thank everyone for their prayers, encouragements, and memorial to the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission in memory of Dave Scheffers. Tammy Reas and I feel blessed to be a part of Calvary.
- Carol Scheffers

Dear Calvary Bible Church Family,
On behalf of the Melvin Woolley family, we wish to express our appreciation for your many condolences and the gift to the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission in memory of our Dad. He loved helping others and getting out God’s Word so this is especially fitting. We are so thankful for this body of Christ.
- Wendy and John Van Elk

Faith at Home Ministries

The Faith at Home Wednesday evening Growth Group is focusing on Grandparenting. Whether we are desiring to be impactful grandparents or want to know how we can utilize the impact of grandparents in our children, we would love for you to join us for this discussion.

Next Generation Ministries

Children’s Ministry (0 - Grade 5)
Contact Hannah Haney

Sunday School is back in session! During the 9:00 a.m. service! We have classes for Nursery through Pre-K and during the 10:45 a.m. service we have classes for all ages. We are so excited to be back, and to see what God has in store this year!

Looking for a place to serve this year? Children’s Ministry has a lot of service opportunities, contact Hannah Haney to see how you can be a blessing to our families.

Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates for the spring and summer:

AWANA Grand Prix on March 13
AWANA Awards Ceremony on May 12
Vacation Bible School from July 12 to July 16 from 9:00 a.m. to12:00 p.m.

Student Ministry (Grades 6-12)
Contact Tara Schober

MS/HS Winter Retreat will be at Camp Barakel this year, the cost is $100. Click here to sign up.