Today At Calvary

9:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
Enlarging Your World
Selected Passages
Dr. Erwin Lutzer


6:00 p.m.

Suffering for Christ
Selected Passages
Dr. Erwin Lutzer


The family dinner of pasta bake will be served from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. prior to the evening activities. A gluten free option is always available. To ensure we have enough food, we ask everyone to sign up in advance (by 9:00 a.m. Wednesday), by noting on a Calvary Connection card, calling the Church Office, or by clicking here. This is always a great time of fellowship before the evening activities begin.

The next Men’s Breakfast will take place on Saturday, November 20 from 8:30-10 a.m. Share breakfast, a Man Challenge and fellowship. Bring your Dad, son, brother or friend! Click here to sign up.

Care Closet needs: the weather has been cold and we need of winter coats and clothing for infants to adult sizes. Many of our ESL students are looking for boots and other winter clothes as they come from warmer climates. Please leave your clean donations on the tables near the Chapel.

For the four Sundays in November, we will be accepting contributions toward our annual Global Partner Christmas Gift fund. These funds will be distributed as an expression of appreciation to our Global Partners. Please mark a separate envelope with the gift title under ’Other’ and put it in the offering plate. Alternatively, you can give online through the church website or using the church REALM database. Select ‘Other Projects’ and insert “Global Partner Christmas” into the memo box that appears. These gifts are not tax deductible.

Surviving the Holidays, a 2 hour class for those who have lost loved ones, will be held on Tuesday, November 9 from 6 - 8 p.m. in Reception Room A. Please contact Donna Steinke with questions.

Packing season has arrived for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Every shoebox is an opportunity to reach a child with the gospel. Shoeboxes and brochures are available in the library along with suggestions for items to fill the boxes. Please do not include candy, gum, toothpaste, food, liquids, or lotions. Try to remove all the packaging from items. A donation of $9 is requested for each box and helps cover costs for shipping, training local churches and gospel booklets that are included in each box. These donations can be mailed in the postage-paid envelope found on the back of the brochure or made online at with “Follow Your Box.” No time to pack a shoebox? Click here to find our goal page and Build Your Box online. Filled boxes may be dropped off in the library. Our last day for drop off is Sunday, November 21.

The Wall of the Unreached is now on display in the Fellowship Center. This wall is a series of panels that lists all 6,500+ unreached people groups of the world. The task ahead to reach the least reached or unreached is overwhelming, but with prayer God can touch each soul.

There are still t-shirts with the current sermon series logo available for sale in the church office. Shirts are $16.

Service Opportunity

We are looking for 30 more volunteers to sign up to serve in the Nursery on Sunday mornings. There are 16 open slots during the 9:00 a.m. service and 14 slots open during the 10:45 a.m. service. Please contact Hannah Haney or Brooke Bakhuyzen for more information.

Prayer Request

For the family of Dick Hertzell, husband of Justine Hertzell, who departed from this life on October 28

Thank You!

Dear Calvary Bible Church,
Thank you so much for all of the cards, calls, and support we received from our church family for Terry’s homegoing. Your powerful prayers were truly felt. God has been so good and faithful. Thank you also for the gift to the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission in memory of Terry. He is home eternally with his loving Heavenly Father.
In Him,
Roxie, Cory & Keith Sellers

Next Generation

Not an approved NextGen volunteer? No problem! Click here to access our Youth and Adult applications to serve in NextGeneration Ministries! We look forward to hearing from you!

Student Ministry (Grades 6-12)
Contact Tara Schober

There will be an informational meeting for the Utah Missions Trip next Sunday, November 14, in theBasement from 4:30-5:30p.m.