Today At Cavary

9:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
Our Prayer for Our Future
Vision Statement
Selected Scriptures
Pastor Bret Laird


6:00 p.m.

Prayer Service
Pastor Jeff Whitaker


Please join us for our Thanksgiving Eve Service this Wednesday, November 24 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Center. A pizza dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. followed by a time of hymns, a devotional and prayer. Click here to sign up by Monday, November 22 as space is limited.

5:30 p.m.: Pizza will be served (Please arrive no later than 5:30 p.m.)
5:50 p.m.: Hymn Sing led by Pastor Alden Laird
5:55 p.m.: Devotional led by Pastor Alden Laird
6:15 p.m.: Time of sharing and prayer lead by Pastor Bret Laird
6:25 p.m.: Closing hymn led by Pastor Alden Laird

Church Members: There will be a brief informational meeting following the evening service on Sunday, November 28 regarding a membership matter.

This year's Calvary Christmas Concert, titled "Rejoice! Hope Is Here" is coming up on:

December 10 at 7:00 p.m.
December 11 at 7:00 p.m. (Higher Precaution Seating in the Balcony)
December 12 at 6:00 p.m.

The theme of this year's concert focuses on the hope we have in Christ especially during these times of turmoil and division. Tickets will not be required for this year's concert. Invitations and posters are now available. Please make plans to attend and please be praying about friends, neighbors and co-workers whom you can invite to join you. The center section of the Sanctuary will be reserved for guests.

Since 2009, Calvary Bible Church has packed over 11,000 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes that have been delivered with the gospel to over 14 countries around the world. There is still time to be part of the ministry!

  • Pack a Shoebox: Boxes, brochures, labels and gift suggestions are available in the library. A suggested donation of $9 is requested for each box to cover costs of shipping, training local churches and for gospel materials included with each box. Please mail donations in the envelope provided in the brochure or use Follow Your Box. Please drop off boxes inteh Fellowship Center. Today is the LAST DAY to drop off boxes.

  • Build a Shoebox: Build a Shoebox online by clicking here find CBC’s goal page through Samaritan’s Purse. These boxes may be packed year round and will be sent to hard to reach places and unreached people groups.

  • Adopt a Shoebox: Donate $9 to help send our packed shoeboxes. Labels from our boxes are available in the library to donate online.

  • Work at the Processing Center: The Processing Center is located in Aurora, Illinois where they inspect and ready the shoeboxes from all the local churches for shipping. Many time slots are available in late November and December. Please visit Samaritan’s Purse for more information or contact Pam Wilkinson.

For the four Sundays in November, we will be accepting contributions toward our annual Global Partner Christmas Gift fund. These funds will be distributed as an expression of appreciation to our Global Partners. Please mark a separate envelope with the gift title under ’Other’ and put it in the offering plate. Alternatively, you can give online through the church website or using the church REALM database. Select ‘Other Projects’ and insert “Global Partner Christmas” into the memo box that appears. These gifts are not tax deductible.

Service Opportunities

The 2022 SHARE Hungary Conference needs help due to a late cancellation. We are now looking for a 0-2 year old Leader, 2-4 year old class Teacher and 6 to 8 helpers. We could also use 2 men for the young teen program. Conference dates are February 25 to March 6. The Hungarian government requires team members to be vaccinated and you must already have a valid passport. Please contact Dan Haney for more details.

We are looking for 30 more volunteers to serve in the Nursery on Sunday mornings. There are 16 open slots during the 9:00 a.m. service and 14 slots open during the 10:45 a.m. service. Please contact Hannah Haney or Brooke Bakhuyzen for more information.

Next Generation

Not an approved NextGen volunteer? No problem! Click here to access our Youth and Adult applications to serve in NextGeneration Ministries! We look forward to hearing from you!