9:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
When Poverty is Blessed
Matthew 2:1-15, 5:3
Pastor Jeff Whitaker
There will be no evening service tonight.
The Church Office will be closed on the following dates:
December 27 - closed
December 28 - closed
December 31 - closed
Christmas Break 2021:
All Wednesday activities (GrowthGroups, Wednesday Dinner, AWANA clubs and REACH) will resume January 5.
LifeGroups resume on January 9.
Effective January 2, the start time for the second service will return to 10:30 a.m. When the pandemic started, the second service start time was delayed to ensure that there was adequate time to complete any additional procedures necessary. At the request of the Deacons, those serving in the Next Generation Ministries, and others, the Elders decided to return to our historical service times.
To take advantage of year end charitable deductions for donations made online or in the mail, contributions must be made electronically or postmarked by December 31. Checks hand-delivered to the church in January, even if they are dated in December, will be a 2022 charitable contribution.
Sign up for Go Groups which are composed of 10-12 adults with a biblical desire to develop a passion for and practice of local evangelistic outreach. The desire is to accomplish this through: praying together specifically by name for those in our circles of influence; sharing testimonies of opportunities the Lord provides; and practical training in how to engage people in gospel conversations. Groups will meet the last 30 minutes of the Sunday evening service. Click here to sign up or in person on Sunday, January 2 at 6:00 p.m.
Kids Praise! is accepting new members for the 2022 winter semester now through January 5. If you have a 1st through 5th grader who would like to participate, please click here to register. Current Kids Praise! members need not re-register.
The Offering Envelopes distributed last year did not have dates on them; any that remain can be used in 2022. If you need new envelopes or have not received them in the past, they are now available in the Fellowship Center or by contacting the church office. These envelopes do not have a number. The office will provide stickers to be applied to each envelope with your name and number.
Today in the Word is now available on the oak racks.
It is with joy that we have watched God bless Leon de Juda, Calvary’s outreach ministry to the South West Michigan Hispanic community. This fall it became apparent that there is no longer space in our building for this portion of our congregation to meet for worship on Sunday mornings. The Elders have approved the purchase of a modular building to be placed in the green space near the southeast kitchen entrance. The brothers and sisters of Leon de Juda are thrilled with the opportunity to have a space not only for Sunday mornings but for their multiple ministries throughout the week. The total cost of the modular unit is $200,000. The Elders have established this as our End of the Year Giving Project. Simply designate on your envelope or on electronic gifts: “End of the Year Project.”
We are excited to announce that the Calvary Choir is now accepting new members for the second half of the 2021-2022 choir season! Auditions are available to anyone who loves to sing (minimum age: HS Freshman). Click here to schedule an audition or contact the church office.
We are looking for volunteers to help clear sidewalks on Sundays before services this winter. If this is an area you are interested in serving or you would like more information, please contact Dan Beason.
12/27, 28 & 31 – Office Closed
1/2 - No LifeGroups
1/5 – New Wednesday Evening Semester Begins with new adult classes offered
1/9 - LifeGroups resume
Thank You!
I praise the Lord for using His saints to bring help and hope to others. Three times recently, God has chosen to use Calvary saints to help lift me up. First, several of the “old men” (70’s and 80’s) raked the knee deep oak leaves from my back fence to the road out front. Then, a young adult group raked and bagged the next wave of those pesky leathery oak leaves. Finally, my grandkids and I were blessed with Calvary carolers (reminiscent of the Heavenly Host) praising God and singing hymns of the season. Thank you Calvary Saints! You may never know what a huge blessing you can be to one who needs hope and help. I praise God for these blessings.
Barbara Jo Powers