9:00, 10:45 a.m. & 4:00 p.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
Luke 9:57-62
Pastor Justin McCoy
While the Elders have approved masks moving from required to recommended for students, all volunteers serving in Next Generation Ministries are still required to wear masks at all times.
Forgotten Man Ministries is in urgent need of warm coats, hats, gloves, boots, sweatpants and sweatshirts for men and women. Donations can be left at church on the Care Closet table by the Chapel.
The Elders have approved the following people for membership: Ethan Davis and Lanny and Barbara Potts.
Calvary has a Library full of good resources for you and your family. We have books and movies for all ages to enrich your faith. We also have audio items for your travel time. Come and check out great books!
Moved? Changed your primary phone number or email address? Please call the Church Office to update your contact information. We want to keep in touch!
Prayer Requests
Bob Herder (89) departed from this life on February 4, Bob is the father of Tom Herder
Alvin Krause departed from this life on January 23, Alvin is the father of Kitty Clifford
Faith at Home Ministries
For the month of February, the Faith at Home GrowthGroup will be discussing Family Discipleship. We will look at four key practices that are significant in Family Discipleship.
LifeGroup Room Changes
There are several room changes taking place within our LifeGroups. While we try to minimize change, these adjustments are necessary, based on increased attendance and the need to provide adequate distancing in some of our classes. Below is the list of LifeGroups that are changing rooms. All other classes will remain in their current locations.
9:00 a.m. Hour
Wisdom’s Disciples: Receptions Rooms A&B
YMI: Room 300**
NextSteps: Chapel**
Encouragers: Room 214
10:45 a.m. Hour
Leon de Juda: Chapel
1711: Receptions Rooms A&B
Joint Heirs: Room 300
Marriage in Motion: Room 212
His Branches: Room 214
Inheritors: Room 307
**New changes this week
Global Ministries
Our Global Ministries Team are regularly communicating with our Partners as often as possible. Currently they are all in good health and either at home or in a safe location. If you would like an electronic copy of the weekly Global Partner Prayer Sheet, please contact the church office.
Next Generation Ministries
Student Ministry (Grades 6-12)
Contact Tara Schober
Join us for the Winter Retreat, March 5 - 7 at Camp Barakel! The cost is $100. Click here to sign up, the deadline is February 15.