9:00, 10:45 a.m. & 4:00 p.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
Fear Not
Isaiah 41:10
Pastor John Munro
Elder Recommendations Changing June 1
Based on population-wide vaccine availability and the beginning of our summer ministry schedule, the Elders established June 1 as our date for modifying our current COVID-19 safety recommendations.
Beginning June 1, the Elders recommendations will be modified from “congregation-wide” approach, to the “individual” approach printed below. This applies to worship services, LifeGroups and worship related activities.
Symptom Screening: Please do not attend any service or church-function if you have a temperature, a newly developed cough, loss of taste or smell or any other possible symptoms of a contagious illness such as COVID-19, cold, strep or flu.
Hygiene: Please wash and sanitize your hands frequently, especially before shaking hands, hugging, or touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Masks: Masks are no longer recommended for everyone, but individuals are welcome and encouraged to continue wearing a mask if they so desire. Three types of high quality self-protective masks (surgical, KN-95, and N-95) are available free of charge at each of the main entrances.
Social Distancing: Please maintain a minimum of one meter (approx. 3’4”) of social distance from anyone who is wearing a mask. Members should assume that individuals who are wearing a mask also wish to practice social distancing.
Our goal is to continue to build a congregational culture based upon Romans 12:10: “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor.”
We will continue to follow state requirements for activities that are not related to worship. Please keep this change in prayer and help us finish strong in these last few weeks.
**The 4:00 p.m. higher precaution service will continue to be offered unchanged throughout the summer (or until no longer utilized by the congregation). By mutual consent, masking and social distancing are practiced at all times. We encourage those who are currently livestreaming, and those with ongoing health concerns, to choose this safe, in-person option for worship and fellowship.
Angel Tree summer camping is just around the corner. If you would like to fill a backpack with camping supplies, sign up in the Fellowship Center or call the church office.
The Pastors and Elders request that you continue to pray for wisdom and discernment as the search for the Director of Outreach progresses.
Alternatives Walk for Life will be Saturday, June 5 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at GraceSpring Bible Church in Richland.
The Elders have approved Gregg and Gina Holland for membership.
Prayer Request
For the family of Roy Crego who departed from this life on May 19
Thom and Julie Bowles celebrated their 50th anniversary on May 21!
Next Generation Ministries
Children’s Ministry (0 - Grade 5)
Contact Hannah Haney
Happy Summer! Our Summer Sunday Program will be launching on Sunday, June 6 and we still need a lot of help. Please consider blessing our families by serving in Children’s Ministry this summer! We need teachers, helpers and game leaders. If you are gifted in any of these areas, please contact Hannah Haney, we have a spot for you!
Did you know that the world’s largest frog can grow to be a foot long and weigh up to 8 pounds?! The starting line to The Incredible Race is almost in sight! Are you excited? Are you ready? Student registration will open on June 1. If you haven’t signed up to volunteer for VBS there is no better time than the present. Click here for the Adult Volunteer Registration and click here for the Youth Volunteer Registration. Keep can eye on your bulletin for Student Registration!
Student Ministry (Grades 6 - 12)
Contact Tara Schober
The Adopt-A-Grad table is located in the Fellowship Center so we can match recent grads with those who can mentor and disciple them in the coming year.