Today At Calvary

9:00, 10:45 a.m. & 4:00 p.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
What to Do About Doubt, Part 2
John 20:24-29
Pastor Bret Laird


Happy Father’s Day!

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 27, at 6 p.m. We will vote to approve the 2021-22 budget, and affirm the Elder, Deacon and Treasurer nominees. Elder nominees (2-year term) are Bob Drenth, Sunil John, Dan Johnson, Mike Ruiter, Randy St. John, and Jim Trombley. Deacon nominees (2-year term) are Josh Andrews, Dan Beason, Don Beebe, Austin McCollum, Neil McCormick, Brandon Morse, Willard Mott, Craig Rupp, Ray Schroeder, Phil Stickney, and Ewing Tiong. Treasurer nominee (2-year term) is Jeff Long. (Please note: this list is updated from last week’s announcement.)

Copies of the Annual Report are available on the oak tables in the lobby. Please take only one per family.

Absentee ballots are available at the Welcome Center or via email to Anna Matecun. Please note that absentee ballots do not count towards our needed quorum for the meeting. 

The Elders have changed our COVID-19 safety precautions, listed here. This applies to worship services, LifeGroups and worship related activities. The 4:00 p.m. higher precaution service will continue to be offered unchanged throughout the summer (or until no longer utilized by the congregation). By mutual consent, masking and social distancing are practiced at all times. We encourage those who are currently livestreaming, and those with ongoing health concerns, to choose this safe, in-person option for worship and fellowship.

Angel Tree camping started June 13 and runs through July 23 (6 weeks). Please pray for open hearts to the Gospel and God's Word to impact their hearts and lives.

The Elders have approved the following people for membership: Kunjappan & Vimala John and John & Jan Mallo.

Today in the Word is now available in the oak racks.

Service Opportunities

The Technical Arts department is in need of volunteers for Sunday services. All positions are needed including audio, lighting, projection, and camera operators. Also, we will be restarting our CD ministry, so now would be a great time to get involved. Experience is not necessary, just a passion for serving. If you are interested, please contact Les Batts or sign up for more information at the tech booth.

The Calvary Orchestra will be resuming regular participation in Sunday services in the fall. If you play a string, brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument and are interesting in joining the Calvary Orchestra, please contact Ryan Whitaker. We look forward to hearing from you!

We are excited to announce that the Calvary Choir is now accepting new members for the 2021-2022 choir season! Auditions are available to anyone who loves to sing (minimum age: High School Freshman). Click here to schedule an audition or contact the church office.

Our Children’s Ministry Summer Sunday Program is underway! We still need 150 volunteers between now and August 22 in order to have a fully staffed summer program. We need game leaders, helpers and teachers! Contact Hannah Haney for more information or to sign up!

Next Generation Ministries

Student Ministry (Grades 6 - 12)
Contact Tara Schober

Our Adopt-A-Grad program matches recent grads with those who can mentor and disciple them in the coming year. We have 11 grads who have not been adopted yet, click here to sign up!