9:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
A Fork in the Road
Acts 26:16-18
Jim West
4:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Selected Passages
Pastor Bret Laird
Save the Date! Fellowship Sunday will take place on Sunday, August 29. A joint service will be held at 10:45 a.m. Come back at 6:00 pm for worship, a devotional, outdoor baptisms (sign-ups are already in progress, see the announcement below), dinner and Care-Share-Prayer Team sign ups. More information will come in the following weeks. If you would like to help with this event contact Dan Johnson in the church office.
Did you know that many children that have received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox share that their favorite items in the box are school supplies? School supply sales are continuing now. We need crayons, pencils and sharpeners, pens, erasers, rulers, spiral notebooks and notepads to pack in our boxes that will be sent in November. Please place items in the Samaritans Purse/OCC bin outside Reception Room A.
Moved? Changed your phone number or email address? Please call the Church Office to update your contact information. We want to keep in touch!
Service Opportunities
ESL Plus is starting for this next academic year in September and we would like you to prayerfully consider being a part of this ministry to our international friends. We are in need of teachers and helpers and a coordinator for child care. New and seasoned volunteers are welcome, all that is required is a heart for internationals. Please contact Clay VanDussen for more information.
We are excited to announce that the Calvary Choir is now accepting new members for the 2021-2022 choir season! Auditions are available to anyone who loves to sing (minimum age: High School Freshman). Click here to schedule an audition or contact the church office.
LifeGroup Room Changes
Beginning today, there will be several room changes taking place within our LifeGroups. Below is the list of LifeGroups that are changing rooms. All other classes will remain in their current locations.
9:00 a.m. Hour
Wisdom’s Disciples: Room 300
YMI: Room 212
Kingdom Seekers: Reception Room A
10:45 a.m. Hour
Leon de Juda: Room 300
1711: Room 212
Crossroads: Chapel
Inheritors: 307
Joint Heirs: Reception Room B
Marriage in Motion: Reception Room A
Coming Soon….
We are in the process of changing our room numbers and building signs. The first step in the process is changing some of our LifeGroup locations effective today. Watch the bulletin for additional communication in the upcoming weeks.
Next Generation
Children’s Ministry (0 - Grade 5)
Contact Hannah Haney
Move up Sunday is September 5. Looking for somewhere to serve this fall? Children’s Ministry is looking for teachers and helpers for all ages. Contact Hannah Haney with questions or for more information!
Fall is just around the corner which means we are gearing up for our Fall programs. AWANA Kick off will be September 12, and registration is now open. If you are interested in serving in AWANA, contact Hannah Haney in the church office.