9:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.
(In-Person and Livestream)
Duty to Share, Joy to Share
Core Value #1: Local Evangelism
Selected Scriptures
Pastor Bret Laird
6:00 p.m.
Prayer Service
Pastor Justin McCoy
Join us on Wednesday evening for the family dinner for a great time of fellowship before evening activities; chicken cordon blu sandwiches will be served from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. A gluten free option is always available. To ensure we have enough food, we ask everyone to sign up in advance (by 4:00 p.m. Tuesday), by noting on a Calvary Connection card, calling the Church Office, or by clicking here.
Beginning today, we have a new LifeGroup called Family Foundations which will meet during the 10:45 a.m. hour in Reception Room B. Family Foundations is for those who are just beyond the Young Marrieds stage. The goal of the class is to assist young families in creating a solid foundation in the areas of marriage, parenting and Christian living. Please join us!
October is Pastor Appreciation month. The Pastors will be honored during the morning services on October 24. Please consider contributing to a love offering for them to express our thanksgiving for their service to the Lord here at Calvary. Please mark a separate envelope with 'Pastor Appreciation" and put it in the offering. Alternatively, you can give online through the church website or the church REALM database. Select 'Other Projects' and insert 'Pastor Appreciation' into the memo box that appears. These donations will be tax deductible as they will be taxable income to the Pastors.
Save the Dates: Men’s Breakfast returns on 11/20, 12/18, 1/15, 2/19, 3/19, 4/16 and 5/21. Share breakfast, a Man Challenge and breakfast. Bring your Dad, son, brother or friend!
Beginning tomorrow, t-shirts with the current sermon series logo will be available for sale in the office. Shirts are $16.
Save the Date! Global Impact Weekend will be November 6 and 7 with Dr. Erwin Lutzer as our guest speaker.
Saturday, November 6
8:30 a.m. Breakfast with Dr. Lutzer in the Fellowship Center. “Finding and Doing God’s Will in Our Confused Culture.” Click here to sign up, there is limited seating.
6:00 p.m. Q&A with Dr. Lutzer regarding his book
6:00 p.m. Children’s Program - Click here to sign up.
Sunday, November 7
9:00 & 10:45 a.m. “Enlarging Your Territory” with Dr. Lutzer, Combined LifeGroups in theBLOCK with Ken Wiest
6:00 p.m. “Suffering for Christ” with Dr. Lutzer
Our LifeGroup for special needs adults, God’s Lambs, meets on Sunday mornings at 10:45 a.m. in Room 304. This small class has an average of 4-8 students from 18 years old and up. Class includes fellowship, prayer and Bible study fitting to the individual’s understanding. Lessons are taught from 'LifeWay Access' for adults with special learning needs, which utilizes a storytelling approach to studying the Bible and applying it to daily life through Bible events, people and Jesus’ life and ministry. If you know of someone who could benefit from this class, please stop by!
College students, welcome to Kalamazoo and to Calvary! We would love to see you at Crossroads (CBC’s college and young adult group, 18-25 yrs.)! On Sundays we meet during the second service at 10:45 a.m. in the Chapel and 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Center. On Wednesdays, we meet at WMU at 8:15 p.m. in the Bernhard Center, Room 213. Contact Austin Dosh at with any questions.
Today in the Word is now available in the oak racks.
Prayer Requests
For the family of Mary Delamarter, mother of Julie Simpson, who departed from this life on September 19.
For the family of William Lake, father of Skip Lake, who departed from this life on September 21.
Next Generation
Children’s Ministry (0 - Grade 5)
Contact Hannah Haney
A huge thank you to those who have been signing up to serve in our Children’s Sunday school classes and Nurseries. We are so blessed by your willingness to serve! We still have needs in our Nurseries, Early Childhood classes and our Sunday night childcare classes. If you are available to serve, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We would love to have you join our team!
AWANA is underway! We have had an amazing first two weeks and we are overjoyed with the amount of kids in attendance! We still need more adults for our Puggles (2 year olds) and Sparks (K-2nd Grade) groups. It’s never too late to sign up to serve! Come join us as we disciples our kids into a more meaningful relationship with Christ!