Today At Calvary

9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

Sin Separates, Jesus Saves

Isaiah 59


Pastor Bret Laird



6:00 p.m. 

A Night of Worship

Calvary Choir and Orchestra Spring Concert


Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot save;
Nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear.
But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God,
And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.

Isaiah 59:1-2


The following people were received into the membership of Calvary Bible Church this past Sunday: Josh Beck, Jean Gagliardo, and Timothy MacNeill.

Student Ministry Director Update: Praise and thanks to God! We are pleased to announce that Nathaniel Mumau will be joining our staff as Student Ministry Director! Nate and his wife Adrianna already live in Kalamazoo, and he will be starting in May. There will be more information and a formal introduction coming soon.


Calvary’s Worship Ministries will be presenting our annual concert “A Night of Worship” at 6:00 p.m. tonight. The concert will feature our favorite choir and congregational songs from the past choir and orchestra season. Invitations are available on the table in the lobby. Please be sure to attend and use this opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to join you.


Congratulations to our college graduates! If you are completing an undergraduate or advanced degree this spring or summer (or fall 2024), click here to complete the form so we can celebrate the Lord’s provision and your hard work.


Our students will be conducting a coin offering today in the morning services. This offering is divided between the Next Generation ministries to be used for special purchases. We appreciate the coins that you generously donate.


Our students will be conducting a coin offering May 5 in the morning services. This offering is divided between the Next Generation ministries to be used for special purchases. We appreciate the coins that you generously donate.


Operation Christmas Child will be phasing out SOAP as an allowable item over the next few years. It will NOT be removed from shoeboxes this year. Since soap is applied directly to a child's skin countries are increasingly restricting soap with over 3 million shoeboxes being slowed or stopped each year. There are lots of items that can be packed and take up the same amount of space as the soap did. (socks, small ball or toy, sunglasses, crayons)


Men’s Final Breakfast for the season will take place on Saturday, May 18 from 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Share a delicious breakfast, a challenge to lead spiritually and brotherly fellowship. Bring your dad, son, brother or friend! We encourage you to read “Prayer and Worship: pages 75-80 in our book ahead of time, so that you will be in tune with the speaker’s challenge and prepared to discuss the content with the guys at your table. Call the Church Office or use the QR code to sign up, and stop by the office or see Jim West to get a book.


Grief Share “Surviving the Holidays” meeting will take place May 7 at 6:30p.m. in Room 214.


Park Village Pines Christian Retirement Center is sponsoring a series of meetings at Calvary Bible Church on biblical aging. The next meeting is Thursday, May 9, from 3:00 to 4:00 in room 122B. Dr. Perry Westerman, MD, will be speaking on “Dealing with Challenging Behaviors: Dementia & Alzheimer”. The meeting is free, and all ages are welcome to attend.


Evan & Tara Musial  welcomed a healthy baby boy, Peter Timothy on April 19.



ANGEL TREE Summer camping is just around the corner. If you want to fill a backpack with camping supplies, sign up in the Fellowship Center, Library, or your Life Group. Contact the office for more information.

Bus Driver Needed: We are in need of an additional driver to serve one Sunday afternoon per month with our ministry to immigrants from Africa. We host a Swahili service from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. each Sunday, but many who would like to attend are unable due to lack of transportation. If you are not already an approved driver, we can work to get you trained! If you would like to serve in this capacity, please contact Russ Smith in the church office.  


The Children’s Ministry needs volunteers for the summer to serve once a month for 3 months. (If you are only available one or two times, that is fine also) This is a great way to serve with your spouse or with a friend. Thank you for considering this ministry opportunity to serve the Lord and our children. If have any questions, please email Lora West at  Lora West.

There is a need for additional door greeters for our morning worship services. If you enjoy welcoming people to Church, especially newcomers and visitors, being a door greeter is a great ministry for you. Contact Dan Johnson at the church office or email him at:


León de Judá te da la bienvenida!

Estamos agradecidos por que decidiste unirte con nosotros en nuestra reunión de adoración a Dios hoy.  Nuestro deseo es compartirte el gozo de conocer y seguir a Jesucristo con todo su pueblo. Únete con nosotros en el salón a las 10:30 a.m. Dios te bendiga! 


To find out more about Next Gen. Ministries, visit our webpage here. To be added to our weekly parent emails, contact Hannah Haney. To access all of our forms, registrations, and applications click here.


*Refer to the full announcements for more information
5/5                 - Spring Choir Concert 6:00 p.m.*
5/8                 -AWANA Awards Ceremony
5/12                - Parent Dedication
5/18                - Men’s Breakfast (final for the season)*
5/26               - Senior Recognition Sunday
5/27               - Memorial Day (Office Closed)
6/2                 - Fellowship Sunday & Baptisms 10:00 a.m.
6/9                 - Move Up Sunday
6/23               - Evening Service in the Chapel
6/24-28      - VBS Week
6/30               - Annual Meeting
7/4                  - Independence Day (Office Closed)