To the Congregation

Here’s What’s New

Bread of Life Ministry
The Elders have established a partnership with the South Michigan Food Bank to provide food boxes to families and individuals who have been negatively affected by the economic shutdown associated with Covid-19. On Thursday, April 30, between 2-4 p.m., people can drive up to the south entrance of the church and both a food box and an evangelistic letter from Calvary will be placed in their trunk. For those without a vehicle, walk-up pickup will also be available. Volunteers can also deliver a limited number of boxes directly to people’s porches, but this must be arranged in advance by completing the online form. This ministry is for anyone, either in the church or in our community, who could benefit from supplemental grocery assistance. For example, South Michigan Food Bank’s guidelines list an income of $70,320 or less for a family of 6 or $25,520 for an individual, as meeting the standards for the USDA and donated grocery-store food they are providing. This means many students, individuals, and families in our own congregation qualify. We will have 275 boxes available, so please take advantage of this ministry, and also help us get the word out!