Today At Calvary

9:00 a.m.
Let Us Consider
Hebrews 10:19-25
Pastor Bret Laird

10:30 a.m.
Virtual LifeGroup Panel Discussion
Led by our Pastoral staff along with Mark Kehlenbeck our Executive Director. They will be answering frequently asked questions regarding resuming Sunday morning services.


The Office will be closed Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day and reopen Tuesday, May 26 at 8 a.m. 

We are looking for a family to host Norm and Karen Tober from November 28 - December 16, 2020. Please contact Amy in the Church Office if you have available space. Thank you! 

Biblical Questions and Prayer Ministry: If you are anxious about what’s happening in our world or have questions about what the Bible has to say, we are a group of followers of Christ who would be happy to talk with you. We love the Lord and seek to be an encouragement to others. While we may not be able to answer all your questions, we will search the Bible with you to see what the Lord has to say. We are also available to pray with you.
You can reach us by phone at (269) 359-3702 
Monday – Friday from 3-5 p.m. or 7-9 p.m.

Bread of Life Food Box Ministry: Our next food box distribution will be from 2-4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 27. If you or someone you know would benefit from a box, click here to sign up to have a box delivered to your home. Delivery requests must be completed by 9 a.m. on Tuesday, May 26. Boxes can be picked up in person at Calvary Bible Church between 2-4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 27. Those that attend Calvary and their friends are invited to come from 1-2 p.m. for an early-bird opportunity. Boxes cannot be reserved and are distributed on a first-come-first-served basis. 

Nik Ripken, this year’s Global Impact Weekend speaker, has provided Calvary free access to the film, The Insanity of God. The film tells the story of the Ripken’s own faith journey and the stories of many of our brothers and sisters in the persecuted church. It is a film of hope in hard places. For more information read Pastor Jeff’s letter here. To access the movie, click here.

Service Opportunities

Our Mask Ministry is available to connect those making masks with those needing masks. We have plenty of masks available, so please don’t hesitate to ask! We’ve created a form that will allow us to make this connection. Please use this form to: 

  • Communicate your willingness to provide masks and the number of masks available

  • Communicate your need for masks and the number needed

  • Let us know you’re willing to pick up and deliver masks (contact-free, of course)

If you’d like to participate, please click here. All masks will be picked up and delivered by volunteers from the church. Note that masks are not available to pick up at the church office at this time. 

Prayer Requests

Joyce Palmer departed from this life on May 16. 

Jutta Reist (mother of Patti Duncan) departed from this life on May 21. 

Thank You!

On behalf of our entire family, we wish to thank all those who have reached out to us in the past several days following the loss of Craig's mom. Your demonstration of God's love through cards and prayers has been of real encouragement to us during this time of loss. We are truly grateful for the body of Christ! 
Craig, Julie, and Janelle Rupp 

Global Partners

Our Global Ministries Team are regularly communicating with our Partners as often as possible. Currently they are all in good health and either at home or in a safe location. If you would like an electronic copy of the weekly Global Partner Prayer Sheet, please contact the church office.

Next Generation Ministries

Adopt-a-Grad. This program is for individuals, families, or Lifegroups who are interested in committing to pray for and encourage one of our 2020 High School grads for their first year after High School. If you are interested in adopting one of our grads, please fill out the following form here or email Tara Schober.

Vacation Bible School is July 13-17 from 9a.m. - 12p.m.! To volunteer, fill out a volunteer registration form here. Student Registration is now open! If you have questions or need more information, email Hannah Haney.