9:00 a.m.
Day of Prayer
Selected Passages
Pastor Bret Laird
10:30 a.m.
Virtual LifeGroup
Praying Better
2 Chronicles 20:1-29
Ken, Global Partner
Based upon the preliminary results of the survey, a 2nd service has been added at 11:00 a.m. for next week’s schedule.
The two service times for June 7 are now:
9:00 a.m. (first service)
11:00 a.m. (second service)
As mentioned last Sunday, a survey was sent to Members and Attendees regarding the Return to In-Person Services on June 7. We appreciate your input and ask that each household complete the survey by the end of the day today.
Did you miss the ‘Let Us Consider’ message from Pastor Bret on Sunday, May 24 and the Question and Answer LifeGroup session regarding the return to In-Person Services? Everything you need to know is available on the website. Click here to find an abbreviated note from Pastor Bret, the written Q&A questions from Sunday and a link to view the video showing the process from Sunday Morning. To see the full ‘Let Us Consider’ message or the LifeGroup Question & Answer time please use the links below.
We are looking for a family to host Norm and Karen Tober from November 28 - December 16, 2020. Please contact Amy in the Church Office if you have available space. Thank you!
Nik Ripken, this year’s Global Impact Weekend speaker, has provided Calvary free access to the film, The Insanity of God. Today is the last day to take advantage of this offer. The film tells the story of the Ripken’s own faith journey and the stories of many of our brothers and sisters in the persecuted church. It is a film of hope in hard places. For more information read Pastor Jeff’s letter here. To access the movie, click here.
Biblical Questions and Prayer Ministry: If you are anxious about what’s happening in our world or have questions about what the Bible has to say, we are a group of followers of Christ who would be happy to talk with you. We love the Lord and seek to be an encouragement to others. While we may not be able to answer all your questions, we will search the Bible with you to see what the Lord has to say. We are also available to pray with you.
You can reach us by phone at (269) 359-3702
Monday – Friday from 3-5 p.m. or 7-9 p.m.
Global Partners
Our Global Ministries Team are regularly communicating with our Partners as often as possible. Currently they are all in good health and either at home or in a safe location. If you would like an electronic copy of the weekly Global Partner Prayer Sheet, please contact the church office.
Next Generation Ministries
Adopt-a-Grad. This program is for individuals, families, or LifeGroups who are interested in committing to pray for and encourage one of our 2020 High School grads for their first year after High School. If you are interested in adopting one of our grads, please fill out the following form here or email Tara Schober.
Vacation Bible School is July 13-17 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.! To volunteer, fill out a volunteer registration form here. Student Registration is now open! If you have questions or need more information, email Hannah Haney.